donderdag 27 januari 2011

Police arrest five over Anonymous WikiLeaks attacks

Five people were arrested yesterday in connection with a spate of online attack last month in support of wikiLeaks. All five are being held in custody at local police stations. They think the five have being involved in the group of hacktivists known as Anonymous, who crippled the websites of MasterCard, Visa and PayPal after those companies cut off financial services to WikiLeaks. The 1,000-strong group of activists launched what they called Operation Payback, vowing to give perceived anti-wikiLeaks companies a “black eye”. A statement is made to the government after arresting those 5 men: it was a sad mistake. They say you can easily arrest individuals but you can’t arrest an ideology and that they won’t rest until their fellow protesters have been released.

I find it rather handsome that those people can do things like that. It is not correct what they do. They hacked Mastercard and visa just because they did not want to pay money anymore at WikiLeaks. I don’t know the reason about that, I did not follow it that good. But on the other hand if they can do stuff like that, they can also find a lot of personal information about anybody and anything. They can search addressed by IP-addressed and then it is getting a little bit out of hand and scary.

Illegal drug use is in decline, NHS figures reveal

In Britain a generational shift away from drugs may be under way, addiction experst suggested today, as figures showed that illegal substances were declining in popularity among all age groups. Fewer people in England and Wales are taking drugs such as cannabis, cocaine or heroin, according to an NHS survey. Even use of drugs at the younger generation declines. It could be to do with young people’s culture and fashion, that they are more aware of the fact they could do themselves harm by taking drugs. It is a fair supposition that at least some young people are a bit more savvy about the downsides of drugs. The department of Health welcomed the decline but they say there is still much more to do.

They are right, there is still much more to do, but this is a start. For the figures you have to look in the article, but it really shows the decrease of using drugs on every age. I do not know anything about those statistics in the Netherlands. That would be a lot worse I guess. I do not really know what you can do about it, because if people want to try it, they will find a way to do it. I’ve never done it, but I don’t feel the need of doing it. But I went to parties were a lot of people used a kind of drugs, I don’t know which one, I even don’t know which different kinds there are. I don’t want to get involved with things like that.

Jouster killed in freak accident after lance spears him in eye

Paul Anthony Allen died during a jousting re-enactment, they think because of failure to ensure a correct helmet and his shield was appropriately assembled. Mr. Allen, who had never jousted before despite practicing with a lance and shield, was hit by a splinter from a balsa wood tip designed to break on impact with the opponent’s shield for safety. I broke off, as it was supposed to, but a piece flew up through the eye-slit of his helmet, hitting his eye socket. They Brought him to the hospital with the splinter still in his eye. He had an operation to remove the splinter, which penetrated 5in (13cm) into his head, but his condition did not improve and he died.

That must have looked terrible and must really have hurt. It is strange that when you are wearing a suit and such protection like that, that the splinter, which is also unusual, flew up in his eye. That possibility is so little. They made the stick like it would break, it does, but with splinters. But they also gave him protection. If you hear it like this, they did not prepare it very well. Another pointed is that at the end of the story they say he died during something he really liked, but earlier in the story they said he never did it before.

A MUM died after waiting five hours in an A&E department "clogged up" with drunks, her husband claimed last night.

Laura Martin, 39, desperately-ill went to the hospital at 3 am after vomiting and suffering pains in her head. The Medics helped her at 8.30am. She felt a little better and was sent home at 9am. Three hours later her symptoms returned. She had to wait another 2,5 hours, her heart rate went very high and she was put in e medical coma and they discovered her lungs were failing. Laura died of lung failure five hours later- just 24 hours after she first went in. Her husband is finding out exactly what killed laura and is heartbroken. “The A&E was overrun. It was Saturday and everyone came in from drinking night.” Docter helped them first because they didn’t know how seriously it was. But then when they got a little sober again they just walked out.

I can not believe that this happened. The lady was already ill, and I think they have her report already in the hospital. All the drunk people got priority because they did not know how drunk they were and if they were really sick. Laura came twice to the hospital with the same symptoms they could have taken her more seriously. It is a shame she had to die like this. She had a family who is left behind now.

Secret fumble with gardener unearthed my longing to cheat.

More woman are having affairs. Caroline is married but misses the tension. She starts to flirt with her gardener and after one slip she wants more. She starts searching for contact first and find help form a single friend from London. They start to meet each other more often and after a while without Caroline knowing it her husband asks her about her telephone bill. She confesses and the affair stops, but Caroline can not stop searching for more attention and discovers the internet sites for married people. She starts to meeting someone again. Even though she knows it isn’t going to work she know she has to divorce and that is what she does. (names has changed)

Most of the time people say men are the ones who are cheating. But as you can see women nowadays are just as bad. I did not know people do this so often. I can not imagine doing that, If I like someone or love someone I could not cheat that person. And for instance if it would happen which I doubt I could not look my boyfriend/husband in the eyes anymore. I think I felt guilty as hell. And on the other hand my thoughts what if it was in the opposite way how would you feel if your husband or boyfriend did it? I would feel terrible.

BABY Lilly MacGlashan beams beside her twin sister - but needs £300,000 to stand a chance of finally beating cancer.

Baby Lilly Mac Glashan is born with a tumour which started in her abdomen at a few weeks old. The Tumour which, uniquely, spread from her body to brain. Experts thought they had controlled it. She is the only known neuroblastoma patient whose cancer has done this before. Normal chemotherapy is no longer an option anymore. The only treatment is in New York, which is unable to fund. The parents have launched a frantic fund-raising drive to find £300,00 for the US trip.

How Terrible, after nine months of pregnancy you finally got your baby in your arms and then you find out that she has cancer. And not a little bit, but so bad it does not even can handled in their own country. Most pregnancies women have a happy time after birth. But they are immediately busy to keep this child alive, searching for medicines and hospitals who can help them. They did not have time to enjoy their babies.

Jo suspect on suicide watch in tough jail.

The man suspected for the murder of Jo Yeates was placed in jail at the department for suicide prevention.The Netherlands-born Vincent Tabak is guarded throughout the day in Long Lartinprison, where he was remanded in custody. They check him every 30 minutes and they stay with him where ever he goes. Mr. Tabak was accused of murder last Saturday on Jo Yeates and was sent to the Bristol Horfield prison. Because of the high-profile case, they moved him out of town for his own safety. He has to appear at Court on Monday again but his trial will take months. Family in the Netherlands protest against this.

I read about this case earlier and at that moment they did not know anything about the murderer. They had a lot of tips and things they were searching on. I find it strange that a verdict can take that long. Sometimes they do not even have to be in jail during that time. In this case he must stay in jail, until they prove his innocence. I hope this is the perpetrator so Jo’s family can finally have their peace. And the officer like he said got his case like he wanted it.

THE King's Speech leads the British charge at this year's Oscars - with TWELVE nominations, it was announced yesterday.

Colin Firth, a film star in the movie The King’s speech, is chosen for the Best Actor title for his portrayal of stuttering monarch George VI. Firth, had already scooped 22 gongs for the role, including a Golden Globe and has yet to land an Academy Award. His co-stars were also nominated for their supporting roles. We know Firth already for playing Mr. Darcy in BBC’s Pride and Prejudice. The movie costs 9 million to make and is nominated for categories including Best Film and Best Adapted Screenplay. Firth’s rivals in the Best Actor category are Javier Bardem, Jeff Bridges, Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Zuckerberg and James Franco. But it seems Flirth is going to walk away with it after his astounding performance in the King’s Speech.

I did not know this man was so famous. Of course I saw him in a couple of movies, but you did not hear anything about him besides that. You can see it as a good sign, he does his work and goes home and keeps that totally separated. This instead of those who wants to be in the news all the time. I know him form Bridget Jones Diary’s I guess. His face is familiar to me, but I did not know his name. Nice to see that actors can be just on the background too.

Let's go.. swapping!

Fashion mania: Stop shopping start Shwopping. It does not only save money, but it is also green and stylish. Clothes-swap events and websites are seeing a huge increase in numbers of people (woman) exchange their unwanted gifts for clothes they do want. Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield have started a campaign to “shwop” unwanted gifts, not-loved or once-loved clothes. This will be the new trend: clothes with high-street and vintage finds for a cool, modern style. Singer Florence, DJ fearn Cotton and TV host Elexa Chung are big fans of the trend. Start Shwopping!

Fashion is very important for the humankind. It kind of makes people feel better if they have nicer clothes. I find it a good campaign which they started. People should be more aware about the things they got or what they don’t got. And if they do not like it, they can make other people happy with it.

Ramsey: I’m gunner be back

The wales star Aaron Ramsey joined the championship promotion for a month. He broke his leg last February and returned to action in November. To get fit again he spent four weeks on loan with Nottingham Forest but because of the bad weather he just showed up five times on city ground. But Ramsey is confident and said that if he will play some more games on loan he will get back in shape quicker and that means also quicker into the Arsenal team as well. He really worked hard to get fitter and to go back playing regularly. He just want to get back into the swing of things, feeling the atmosphere.

I do not watch sport or read about sport very often, but to get a little bit variation into my blogs I thought why not. But I must confess that I searched some information about the guy after I read the article. I did not know anything about him or what his performance were. It is a young football player, only 20, who broke his leg. That is really sad in his early career. He is just about to break through and than something like this happens. He had to rehabilitate and practice a lot to get into shape again.

A rubbish New Year for millions as cuts mean more waste mountains

Over flowing bin bags in alley’s are becoming the image. Thousands of families are having to cope with the misery of monstrous mountains of waste, which have increased over Christmas. This sight will be become more familiar because of the strindent Condem cuts. Also the heavy snowfall in mid-December caused problems, some services were inoperative and they never used extra rounds. In some cities householder have been without bin collections for three weeks and they take their own rubbish to local tips. There are discussions on that is disappointing that people don’t get the service they pay for but there is also found that 48% of local government fincance chiefs expect to have to cut rubbish collections budgets to save money.

I think this is a funny story that local municipalities want to spare money by leaving waste on the street. Eventually you get some very dirty towns and cities. I have been in the south of Italy and I drove through gardens and cities filled with waste. Along the road lay waste and it give the whole area a sad look. Not only sad, but dirty, old and worn. I can not imagine that you want your town or village to look like that. Then they can better cut back on something else. That the human kind elaborates a lot of waste is clear.


TRAGIC Joanna Yeates may have been murdered by more than one attacker, police say.

The Murder on Joanna Yeats is not resolved yet. The officer who is on charge says there will be no stone left unturned until they brought Jo’s killers to justice. His 70 officers were sifting through 1300 tips and scraps of information. On the night Jo was vanished there is seen a light-coloured 4x4 and they’ve been hunting that since. The officer keeps open mind which means he doesn’t make any assumption about this case. They think that Jo may have been murdered by more than one attacker but there is no evidence found that she was sexually assaulted. Which does not mean there may have been a sexual motive.

It is a difficult subject. Many of these cases are never solved. The officer clearly says that he will not rest until he has discharged the case. I sometimes think about these kind of cases when I’m on my way home through the park. There was a girl raped before in that park. Should I be scared? Most of the time I try to push does thoughts away, you just scare yourself. But if you see, it can happen to anyone and at any time.. There are enough lunatics in the world which we don’t know of.

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Politician's family photo captures 'killer gunman'

Filipino councillor Reynaldo Dagsa was shot on New Year’s eve while he was making a picture of his own family. They were outside of their house in Manila and the man was making a picture of his wife, daughter and mother-in-law. That’s what he thought, but Mr. Dagsa accidentally captured his own killer. The photo revealed a man aiming a gun from behind the smiling family. The family did not noticed and hear anything because fireworks were exploding all around them. There was just to much noise and they only saw Mr. Dagsa falling to the ground afther he was hit. The family gave the police the photo and the man who was identified as the gunman was arrested yesterday.

I think it is a really funny story, ofcourse not that Mr. Dagsa is killed but that the killer made his own evidence. You see often that this kind of murders not get solved and in this case the murdered man solved his own delict. There is no better evidence than a picture of the person right on the face. Ofcourse the gun is in front of his head, but you can see the eyes of the man and that he has a gun who is pointing directly into the camera. There will be no killers anymore who will kill someone who is having a photocamera or something like it.