donderdag 25 november 2010

Phil Woolas ejected from parliament over election slurs

Phill Woolas, the former immigration minister, is ejected from parliament after finding out that he lied about his liberal democrat opponent during the general election. He made false statements about his opponent two high court judges secured and also Woolas claimed the ruling which also triggered a by-election and barred him from standing for three years. Also is said by Elwyn Watkins that Woolas on purpose misled voters in Oldham East in the last days of the election by claiming Watkins, in such a way to stir up religious tensions. After the court saw confidential emails between Woolas’s team they upheld those arguments. These emails proved that Woolas knowingly made false statements about his opponent. The result of this all is that Woolas lost his seat in the commons, is barred for three years and was suspended by the Labour party.

I’ve never heard about a Minister lying about his opponent just to win an election. Off course you see often they withhold information about themselves to get no stories about their past or personal life, because a lot of journalist can make a mountain out of a molehill. But to lie to win an election that makes you just not trustworthy. If they didn’t do anything with that, then the whole parliament would not be reliable in the eyes of the people. So I think they made a good decision about this political issue.

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